On the 29th December 2019, the club had the pleasure in being involved in the Fionns Parade of Lights in memory of a special young boy Fionn who was tragically taken too soon from his family and friends the previous January.

The parade included tractors new and old, trucks, vintage cars, ambulances and many more vehicles. The turn out was above everyone's spectations and provided a spectaular display though Rush, Lusk, Loughshinny, Skerries, Balrothery and Balgriggan all to raise funds for the three local charities that looked after Fionn during his time of illness.
The Blood Bikes Dublin, Laura Lynn and Aoife's Clown Doctors all benefitted from the generous donations made by all involved and the general public.
Fionn's parents Seb and Sheena and his sister Freya presented cheques to each of the charities who spoke appreciatively of receiving their donations of €14,166.05 each giving a grand total of €42,498.15.
What an amazing fundraiser for charities that do amazing work. Well done to all concerned.